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Communication papers is listed in Q3 (49/67) in Communication and Q2 (12/25) in Gender Studies

Foto del escritor: Communication PapersCommunication Papers

Communication papers is listed in Q3 (49/67) in Communication and Q2 (12/25) in Gender Studies in 2021, according to Dialnet Metrics, which is a new way of evaluating the scientific prestige of the journals in Spanish.




Consorciados con:


Revista Communication Papers (Media Literacy & Gender Studies)

ISSN: 2014-6752

Grup de Recerca ARPA

Universitat de Girona

Pl. Ferrater Mòra, 1

17071 - Girona

Telf. 972 41 89 68

Supported by:

Facultat de Turisme


Departament de

Filologia i Comunicació


Licencia 2015:

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