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  • Foto del escritorCommunication Papers

Carmen Echazarreta, new president of ‘PlatCom’

The scientific journal Communication Papers, of the ‘ARPA research group’ of the University of Girona, wil preside PlatCom for the next period of 2015-2019.

On May 7, the scientific journal Communication Papers has been unanimously elected to preside the ‘Plataforma Latina de Revistas de Comunicación’ (PlatCom) by all the members of the Plenary Assembly.

Communication Papers will preside ‘PlatCom’ from June 1, 2015 and for a period of four years.

Carmen Echazarreta, editor of Communication Papers of the University of Girona, will preside the new board. Lucía Benítez, editor of the magazine Redes of the University of Sevilla, will be the Vice-president. The secretary’s post will be occupied by Núria Fernández, scientific quality coordinator of Communication Papers. Victoria Tur, editor of Mediterránea of the University of Alacant, will hold the position of adfvisor of ‘PlatCom’. Finally, Marc Blasco, editorial assistant of Communication Papers, will be the technical manager of communication, dissemination and internationalisation.

We would like to acknowledge the work that has already been done by the previous board in these four years of PlatCom as, without doubt, has been responsible of the magnitute and prestige that ‘PlatCom’ has reached in the world of the scientific magazines of communication.

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